3 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Agency

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hiring an seo agency

When people are looking for information on local businesses or are on the lookout for a certain kind of website, they turn to their preferred search engine to help them find the answers. Yet your business could get buried under the competition if it’s not taking advantage of SEO strategies. While you may have easily developed a website, getting traffic to that website is a lot more work. The technique of search engine optimization though can take a while to perfect, and you might not even realize you need it. To determine if this is the right digital marketing investment for you, here are three key questions to ask yourself to determine if you need SEO help for a website.

1.) Is Your Website Ranking for Your Business Name?

Whether your business, or personal website, shows up when someone searches it is extremely important. Many internet users don’t go beyond the first page when they’re looking for their results. If your competition, or just random pages associated with your website name, outrank you that means there are a number of things that are wrong.

High ranking is a combination relevancy and authority that can help you surpass your competition, but to best increase your chances, you need the knowledge of how Google interprets those two factors.

2.) Have You Noticed a Dip or Plateau in Web Traffic?

You might have gotten a stream of people to your website, but you can tell that you need SEO help for your website when you notice a dip in web traffic, or if you see that you only have the same number of people coming back. The goal for your website should be to have more and more visitors coming to your site.

While you may feel comfortable about the number of people that keep coming back to your website, you should want to change something that helps more people see your website and attract them to it. If a dip occurs, it means that any number of things can be wrong. You’ll want to check to make sure you haven’t violated any of Google’s quality guidelines and that they aren’t penalizing you for it. SEO professionals can easily analyze your website and come up with a number of solutions to correct and increase your web traffic.

3.) Are the People Visiting Your Site Your Target Audience?

While an increase in your web traffic is good, you want to be sure that the traffic you’re receiving is hitting home with your target audience. If you notice that you have people visiting your website but not buying what you have to offer or seeing results in other ways, you need to retarget your SEO efforts.

The people visiting your website should be enticed to buy your product, service, or simply take the action you want them to. Traffic to your website means much less if you aren’t converting those people into buyers. Converting your website followers is the key to your success, so if you aren’t seeing the traffic that comes to your website doing that then you might want to consider changing your strategy or have an expert come in and help.

Get Help Today

If you’re experiencing trouble with people finding or returning to your website, or you can’t convert them to buyers, don’t fret! Our team at Worktop knows exactly which digital strategies can help boost your ranking and attract clicks. Unlike our competitors that make false claims about their ability to boost your ranking, we offer real results that you can monitor as you generate new leads.

If you’re asking yourself “where can I get SEO help for my website” our expert team at Worktop can help maximize your digital visibility. We strive to be honest and helpful with each of our customers and guarantee that the best prices for the best quality results. Our top focus is to make a difference for our customer and we acknowledge that a top ranking doesn’t do much if it doesn’t translate into results or more business for our clients.

SEO is one of the greatest investment you can make to your marketing strategy because it targets Internet users who are already searching for companies just like yours. Don’t get left behind in the digital age, contact us today to learn more about our SEO services!